The Burger Society, previously known as Bears Burger & Chicken, was created by chef Chris Murray with the mission to serve high-end restaurant quality at a street price. Our long-lasting photography relationship turned many viewers into clients. His business serves local food lovers around Bracknell and Wokingham, Berkshire.
The food photography should look no less delicious than the food itself, and that's my job.
Other cients' projects
Doughboys Stone Baked Pizza™Clients Work
CakeDropClients Work
The Snaffling Pig CoClients Work
Southern Fried ChickenClients Work
Music Club and BarClients Work
Party PiecesClients Work
The Burger SocietyClients Work
All images on this website are intellectual property. Please respect this. Some of them are available to purchase from image banks. For your bespoke photographs, please contact me to book a photo session.
+44 746 311 7417
© Milena Ugrinova - Mim. All Rights Reserved.